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t was her first Inter II ever - and she mastered it with flying colours.
Victory number three at the tournament in Essen-Herbergen for Team Gestüt Vorwerk.
In the Grand Prix in Essen-Herbergen, the daughter of Sandro Hit and her rider Laura Strobel...
After a long break from competition, Zac Efron MT OLD...
The crowning glory of a very successful Grand Prix season for Valparaiso and Laura Strobel.
It was only their second start in a 5* Grand Prix...
Our Belantis II-Quadroneur son, licensed in Westphalia now also has a name: Bois de Boulogne MT.
Our young stallion by Belantis II was approved for breeding by the licensing commission at his licensing in Westphalia.
Our Belantis II son, catalog number two, is in the lot for the Westphalian licensing in Münster-Handorf at the beginning of December.
Our Grand Prix winner Valparaiso is the title hero of the Westphalian licensing catalog.